Central Bedfordshire
We are very proud to deliver a specialised Technology Enabled Care service on behalf of Central Bedfordshire Council, after several years working together as a combined service.
Working closely with the Integrated TEC team within the Council we support with identification of devices, installation, monitoring, repair, decommissioning and removal when no longer needed.
The service centre offers hot desking facilities for Local Authority colleagues and a demo room; available between 8am - 5pm.
Customer service opening hours:
Monday to Friday, 8.00am to 5.00pm
Contact Centre & Response service: 24/7/365
Unit 1 Crowbush Farm, Luton Road, Toddington, Bedfordshire. LU5 6HU
Tel: 0300 790 0128
email: centralbedforshiretec@livitylife.co.uk