Supporting Communities
The UK has an ageing population.
By 2028 it is estimated that 15 million people will be aged 65+. On average, 75% of those aged 65 and over will have multiple comorbidities, which will inevitably bring about increased demand for health and social care services.
With an already stretched system, the need for change is now here.
We work with health and social care colleagues to help meet the increased challenge of supporting communities to live independently.

The work we do is nationally recognised, and we are proud to have received multiple industry awards. However, we benchmark our success by measuring how we've improved the quality of lives for individuals using our TEC solutions as well as how we've reduced costs for our health and social care partners.
We achieve this by co-producing with Commissioners local ecosystems that maximise care technology, increase prescriber adoption, exploit greater data insight to provide proactive monitoring, and resource planning.
Our innovative solutions improve health and wellbeing outcomes whilst minimising whole system costs and reliance on traditional care solutions.
Our Achievements to date
- So far we've delivered back to Commissioners £48m whole system benefits
- We've seen a 30% increase in the quality of life scores from individuals using TEC
- 98.6% of prescribers would recommend us to other practitioners

Service transformation demands a localised, tailored approach.
Our role, as your partner, is to unlock best practices and challenge the norms.
By bringing together the best in knowledge, experience, and innovation we
can effectively coproduce a solution service with users, carers, and clinicians under
an integrated clinical governance system.
We'll ensure individuals receive the correct levels of support to live as independently
as they are able, maintain valuable family and community ties, and reduce social isolation.
The answer is here.
Solution Benefits
Our solution has the following tangible benefits for our partners:
Primary Care
- Reduces the number of unnecessary GP visits
- Provides higher outcome-related pay linked to the Quality Assurance Framework (QAF)
- Improves clinical capacity.
Hospital and Emergency
- Safer patient discharge
- Reduces delayed transfer of care and hospital readmittance
- Reduces the number of emergency service blue light calls
- Decreases the number of conveyances
- Decreases length of in-patient stay
Local Authorities
- Reduced domiciliary care costs
- Reduced Learning Disability costs
- Increases the number of citizens able to live independently at home
- Improved assessment process
- Provides intervention before crisis occurs
- Provides increased peace of mind for families
- Offers a more efficient use of resources for caregivers
- Enables Carers to focus their efforts on delivering the best outcomes
- Reduces hospital visits